Spay & Neuter

PALS is located in, and assists pets living in Hays County (assistance for residents of counties of Caldwell, Guadalupe, and Comal as funding permits). Our ability to provide vouchers depends on donations and grants. Currently, our major funding comes from grants from Hays County and the City of San Marcos.
You may fill out a PALS voucher application if you need financial assistance to spay/neuter your pet. You may also sign up for our low-cost services, including spay/neuter and vaccinations regardless of income or residency.
Please see our Resources page for more help if you live outside Hays County, Texas and need financial assistance.
Qualified candidates for our voucher program will be low-income, unemployed, have medical hardships, receive Medicaid, food stamps, Social Security or have other extenuating financial circumstances. Clients must qualify for free services under the TEXCAP income guidelines.
If you do not qualify, you can sign up for our low-cost services.
Rabies vaccination required at time of surgery per Texas law, unless you show a current rabies vaccination certificate.

Facts and Frequently Asked Questions & Concerns about Spay/Neuter:
"Is the operation painful?" Spaying or neutering is performed under general anesthesia and, therefore, your pet does not feel pain during the procedure. After surgery there may be some discomfort, but this is part of the normal healing process, does not last long, and can be controlled with medication.
"When should my pet have the operation?" Generally speaking, as early as possible. Around 3 months of age is generally recommended. Most veterinarians recommend that females be spayed before their first estrus or "heat" period to maximize the procedure’s cancer-sparing benefits. Because all pets are individuals, talk to your veterinarian about the best time to neuter your particular pet.
"Will it change my pet’s intelligence or disposition?" Only for the better. Spaying and neutering have no effect on intelligence. Most spayed and neutered pets tend to be gentler and more affectionate. They become less interested in other animals and spend more time interacting with their owners.
"Will spaying or neutering make my pet fat?" Removing the ovaries or testicles does affect metabolism. For this reason, spayed or neutered pets will tend to put on weight more easily if permitted to overeat. The important phrase here is "if permitted to overeat." Just like humans, pets can maintain a healthy weight with proper diet and exercise.
"Should my female dog be allowed to have one litter?" There's no reason for a female dog to have even one litter. It won't make her a better companion, and it will increase the likelihood that she will develop mammary cancer. Spaying a dog before she goes into heat even once greatly reduces the risk of her developing mammary cancer.
"Doesn't spaying and neutering interfere with nature?" Domesticated dogs and cats are completely dependent on humans. It's our responsibility as their guardians to make sure the number of companion animals born doesn't exceed the number of available homes.
"If I find homes for my pets' litters then I won't contribute to the problem, right?" Wrong. Only a certain number of people want pets. So every home you find for your pet's offspring takes away a home from a loving animal already at a shelter.
"I want my children to see the miracle of birth." Children may learn about the birthing process in far simpler and less costly ways. Plenty of books, videotapes, CDs, and DVDs are available that portray the miracle of birth in a wide range of animals, providing a far greater appreciation of the process than can be gained through watching a single dog or cat deliver a single litter. Maybe even try a visit to a farm or a zoo if you're interested in seeing a live delivery. Do your part by having your pet spayed or neutered. You'll be saving more than just one life!
Health benefits of spay/neuter include:
- Prevents pregnancy and the complications arising from pregnancy and delivery.
- Eliminates the heat cycle - you won't have to listen to the sounds of your female in heat, trying to get out and find a mate.
- Reduces the urge to roam. This makes it less likely that you will lose your pet, which in turn makes your pet less likely to contract a disease, get in a fight, get injured, or become a victim to cruelty, poison, or traffic.
- Reduces or eliminates the possibility of disease in the reproductive system.
- Reduces risk of mammary cancer.
- Eliminates testicular tumors and reduces prostate gland problems.
- In cats, neutering stops or reduces marking behavior (territorial spraying of urine).