Community cats are unowned, free-roaming cats living among us in our neighborhoods, and the best way to help them is to get them spayed and neutered. We have a limited number of spay/neuter appointments available each month for trap-neuter-return (TNR). TNR is something anyone can do! Please help us prevent more litters.
*Cats going through our TNR program must arrive in Tru Catch traps (one cat per trap) and will be ear-tipped, which is a visual indicator that the cat has been fixed and vaccinated. Cats not in this type of trap will not be accepted. Please cover individual traps with some kind of cover (a towel works fine), as it helps keep the cats calmer while they await surgery.
Ready to schedule?
TNR Spay/Neuter: (up to 4 slots per person)
Trap Loan: (after scheduling spay/neuter slots)
Frequently Asked Questions:
What does it cost? For individuals wanting to help community cats, the minimum cost is $15, which is for the required rabies vaccination. Additional surgery costs are based on a sliding scale. We ask you to pay what you can. The support we get from our community is how we continue to offer this program. Without additional donations the TNR program is not sustainable. The actual cost to spay or neuter a cat runs us about $65 per animal. Payment is accepted at the time of check-in. For rescue groups, please contact us for our current rates. If you need help with costs please let us know. Our goal is to fix cats!
How do I borrow traps? Here is our trap loan form, which you can send to tnr@preventalitter.com. We collect a deposit that is equal to the cost of each trap (via check or credit card number). You will not be charged unless the traps are not returned.
I've never done trap-neuter-return (TNR) before. What do I do? Here are some how-to resources: flyer, detailed, how-to video. The detailed instructions have helpful tips for better success on trapping day.
I'm trying to fix an entire colony and I'm overwhelmed. Where do I start? If your effort involves a lot of cats, the first step is to take a count of how many cats you think there are and make a trapping plan. Some people get their communities involved to raise funds or help with some of the pieces (like transport or overnight housing pre/post surgery). Kittens can get spayed/neutered as long as they are at least 3 pounds.
What other resources are available for community cats? Here are a few we're aware of:
Save the Cats of Hays County - community group dedicated to helping Hays County cats and keeping them out of the animal shelter
Shadow Cats One Life Fund - funds for community cats that have critical medical needs.
Thundering Paws TNR Volunteers (Dripping Springs)
New Braunfels Community Cat Coalition
Hill Country Animal League (Boerne) - low-cost spay/neuter
Austin Humane Society (Austin) - low-cost spay/neuter
More questions? Contact us as TNR@preventalitter.com